What is taekwondo history?

The official sport of martial arts was recognized in 1955. This contributed to its entry into the world arena and the acquisition of great popularity around the globe.

Today, over 40 million fighters are involved in taekwondo. From 1973 to the present, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), headquartered in Seoul (Korea), has been dealing with all discipline issues. Taekwondo is based on the following principles:

  • Honesty in the conduct of the fight.
  • Persistence in training.
  • Composure in the ring.
  • Indomitable spirit in any stressful situation.
  • Politeness towards opponents, referees, fans, and all people.
  • Another feature of taekwondo is that all of its techniques are developed from a scientific point of view.

What are the competition rules?

A taekwondo duel includes 3 rounds of 3 minutes each. Between them, fighters are given one-minute breaks to recuperate. Juniors under the age of 14 fight for 2 minutes. with a 30-second break, sometimes the number of rounds in a duel is reduced to 2. Fighters without special training cannot be admitted to the competition. Such training involves mastering the sparring technique for 3 months.
In taekwondo, the division of participants in the competition by weight categories, as well as by gender and age. Weigh-in takes place on the eve of the competition. Anyone who does not pass in the desired category as a result of the first weigh-in is given another attempt within the set time.
At the sport tournament, special attention is paid to the correct execution of techniques:

  1. Fist punches are delivered through the front outer part of the index and middle fingers.
  2. Kicking is performed only with the part below the talus-ankle.
  3. It is allowed to hit the opponent in the body (areas under the protective vest) and in the head (front of the face). In this case, blows to the head can be applied exclusively with the feet. For an effective hit, 1 point (body) or 3 points (head) are awarded.

How to make successful taekwondo betting?

If a beginning sports gambler feels incompetent in the field of taekwondo betting, it is useful for him to communicate with experienced betting companions. Bettors, as a rule, are happy to share their knowledge and secrets of success in various chats. Most likely, they will give the following advice to a newly minted bettor:
You need to clearly define for yourself the amount of money that can be lost without much damage to the budget, and never put more than this figure on your personal betting account.
You need to make sports bets only in the kind of sport in which the person himself is well versed.
It is not necessary to draw conclusions about the estimated outcome of the match, based only on the size of the odds. They are not always well-reasoned, and during the game bookmakers often change them, it is better to read sports predictions.
Before placing your bet, it is advisable to analyze all available information about the upcoming game. It is advisable to find out about the physical condition of the team or player, the results of his previous competitions, etc.
For experienced bettors, a prerequisite is to develop their own unique strategy. This will help both your own experience and the advice of other players.
After the end of the match, regardless of the success of the bet, you need to analyze how plausible the assumptions turned out to be. What conclusions turned out to be wrong, what nuances were missed? All this will help to make the following forecast more professionally.
The ability to analyze and draw correct conclusions helps to make big money in bookmakers. Of course, this takes much more time than buying a forecast from a professional, but there will also be more chances of success.